Our good bacteria do so much for us, including helping us metabolise our food and fighting disease.
The dreaded Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can really put a bump in the road in your life, I’m talking from experience. There are many factors that contribute to IBS so it’s important to know what they are and what you can do to manage this.
Antibiotics are so important in helping us fight illnesses and infections but can give our gut a lot of grief. Antibiotics destroy the bad bacteria in our guts (which helps you feel better) but they can also destroy the good bacteria in your gut (which causes IBS-like symptoms).
Our diets and the food we eat play a major factor in our gut health. For example, a diet rich in whole foods, fruits and vegetables help good bacteria prosper. However, a poor diet, including processed foods (which can have detergents or emulsifiers) can harm it.
A diet insufficient in fibre further diminishes the ability of the colon to move food through the digestive tracts.
Stress and Anxiety
Though stress and anxiety doesn’t seem to be a direct cause of IBS, it plays a major contribution to gut sensitivity. This is because in times of stress and anxiety, our body activates our fight or flight hormones that impact the chemical communication between our brain and gut. This is a two-way street though. Stress and anxiety and its impact on gut is bidirectional in that IBS itself can cause stress which contributes to IBS symptoms.
So, let’s get to the point. What can you do?
Firstly, improve your diet.
Decreasing your intake of processed foods and eating more whole foods, fruits and vegetables plays a huge role in promoting your gut health.
Secondly, it’s all about the right kind of fibre.
Insoluble fibre (found in foods such as wheat brand and wholegrain) are often an effective solution in the short-term. This kind of fibre encourages the stomach to eliminate waste quickly, easing IBS symptoms but because these fibres are rough, it often causes bloating.
Soluble fibre foods contain more fluid and water, therefore creating a soft, gentle gel that is non-irritating and helps avoids a spastic colon. Soluble fibre can be found in fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears, spinach and linseeds.
Finally, get some probiotics in you!
Probiotics are micro-organisms that benefit your gut and promote your wellbeing. These are the same as those that are naturally occurring in your body and therefore form part of the intestinal flora that is essential in your digestive system. This means that probiotics help fight the symptoms of IBS, aid your immunity (by building a barrier between ingested food and your body’s internal tissues) and strengthens your digestive system.
SUP™ Gut Love contains twenty-five billion probiotics (eight strains) that help maintain the healthy bacteria in your gut to promote your overall health. With our formulation, SUP™ works to prevent and treat diarrhoea, manage symptoms of IBS and counter the negative effects of antibiotics. The main ingredients that have been proven to do so includes; Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Bifidobacterium lactis which are all found in SUP™ Gut Love – which doesn’t even cover all the eight probiotic strains we have.